Annual Conference SITES 2023 (Naples September 14-15-16 2023)

14/09 => 17/09

Annual Conference SITES 2023 (Naples September 14-16)


Persistence and Change: the new challenges for economic development 

Culture, geography, and institutions are factors influencing economic development and growth with remarkable and persistent effects overt time and across generations. In unstable environments, however, such “factors of persistence” may also change rapidly by adapting to the evolving social, political, and geographical contexts. 

Recently, the global economy is experiencing a period of high instability with continuous changes in the social, political, and geographic environment. Increasing inequalities, climate change, conflicts, health emergencies, financial and energy crises, international trade, and migration are important factors affecting the environment and driving rapid changes in institutions, culture, and geography. 

Understanding the direction of these changes and the factors affecting this process is of paramount importance to develop adequate strategies for governing societies and assuring the economic development and prosperity of global economy.

The aim of the conference is to provide a forum, in the field of development economics, that can be useful for identifying the factors of Persistence and Change by delivering an improved understanding of the spatial and social distribution of the impacts of changing environments across regions, economic sectors and different socio-economic groups. 

The international conference SITES – 2023 invites the submission of long abstracts for research papers, participant panels, and posters related to the topics of the conference and the general themes of development economics.

Call for Papers

The VIII international conference of SITES, organized in collaboration with the CRISEI Institute based at the Department of Business and Economic Studies of the Parthenope University of Naples and the Institute for Mediterranean Studies, and will be held at Palazzo Pacanowski (Naples) on 14, 15 and 16 September 2023. The event will take place in person.

Conference Topics 

The conference welcomes both empirical and theoretical contributions on general issues concerning:

  • Cultural and Institutional persistence and economic development
  • Structural change and economic development
  • The persistence of Dualism of the Italian Economy: why and what to do 
  • The role of women in the economy and gender gaps 
  • Migration flows and impacts on sending and receiving countries
  • Social identity and assimilation process of migrants
  • Ethnic fragmentation and Conflicts 
  • Poverty and inequality
  • Diversity and economic performance
  • Demography and fertility choices
  • Health emergencies and the One-Health Approach: causes and cures
  • The role of socio-economic epidemiology and development
  • Sustainable development of the Mediterranean area
  • Historical economics and economic development
  • The role of education in promoting development
  • International trade and global value chains
  • Climate change and the environment
  • Energy markets and financial markets
  • Crime, corruption, and economic development
  • The role of Agriculture and sustainability
  • Agglomerations and spatial allocation of economic activities


The SITES invites participation by submitting either a single contribution or a proposal for a complete session.

March 1, 2023 – Submission opens

The submission of abstracts or full papers in pdf format must be done online at the link

Registration & Abstract Submission: from March 1, 2023.

May 25, 2023 – Submission closes

June 18, 2023 – Notification of submission results

July 14, 2023 – Registration closing date

You will receive an e-mail confirming your registration. For more information, contact the secretary Beppe Folloni For local support, contact Salvatore Carrozzo and Valentina Chiariello.

Keynote Speakers

François Bourguignon (Paris School of Economics),

Paola Giuliano (UCLA Anderson School of Management),

Sandra Sequeira (London School of Economics),

Klaus Zimmermann (Bonn University).



The costs of attending the Conference are: 200 Euros for Junior Members (PhD students and post-doc researchers) and 230 Euros for Junior Non-Members; 300 Euros for Senior Members and 360 Euros for Senior Non-Members. Auditors and accompanying persons can also be registered for a fee. Registration does not cover accommodation and transport costs. Participants are also required to become a member of SITES.  Within the limits of available funds, financial support will be granted to cover travel and accommodation costs for participants living and working in a low-income country. The request for financial support must be submitted by writing to the secretary Beppe Folloni (


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Jean-Paul Fitoussi Best Paper Awards (Doctoral Thesis and Paper)

Prizes in memory of Jean-Paul Fitoussi will be awarded to the “Best Doctoral Thesis” and the “Best Paper” presented by junior scholars (PhDs and post-docs). Selected authors will be granted reimbursement of the registration and membership fees.


Financial contributions are welcome, especially donations from institutions. For more information write to the Secretary Beppe Folloni

Scientific Committee

  • President, Maria Rosaria Carillo / Università Parthenope di Napoli
  • Salvatore Capasso / ISMED-CNR and Università Parthenope di Napoli
  • Valentina Chiariello / Università Parthenope di Napoli
  • Salvatore Carrozzo / Università Parthenope di Napoli
  • Marcello D’Amato / Università Suor Orsola Benincasa di Napoli
  • Davide Del Prete / Università Parthenope di Napoli 
  • Rita De Siano / Università Parthenope di Napoli
  • Antonio Garofalo / ISMED-CNR and Università Parthenope di Napoli
  • Vincenzo Lombardo / Università Parthenope di Napoli
  • Stefania Lovo / University of Reading
  • Luca Pennacchio / Università Parthenope di Napoli
  • Teresa Randazzo / Università Parthenope di Napoli
  • Tiziana Venittelli / Università Parthenope di Napoli

Organising Committee

  • President: Federico Perali / Università di Verona
  • Beppe Folloni / Università di Trento
  • Pasquale Marcello Falcone / Università Parthenope di Napoli
  • Giorgio Carluccio / Open Economics
  • Sara Savastano / IFAD
  • Marco Missaglia / Università di Pavia
  • Martina Menon / Università di Verona
  • Luca Pennacchio / Università Parthenope di Napoli
  • Giovanni Andrea Cornia / Università di Firenze
  • Pasquale Lucio Scandizzo / Università di Roma Tor-Vergata and Open Economics
  • Alessandro Sapio / Università Parthenope di Napoli

Staff and Local Contacts

For local support, contact

Practical Information (Location, Hotels, How to Arrive)

The VIII international conference of SITES, organized in collaboration with the Department of Business and Economic Studies of the Parthenope University of Naples, will be held at Palazzo Pacanowsky, Via Generale Parisi, 13, Napoli.

How to get to the conference location:

Palazzo Pacanowsky (Main Venue) – 14/15/16 September 2023 

Address: Via Generale Parisi, 13 – Napoli

Directions: From Piazza Garibaldi train station: take Metro 1 to Piazza Municipio. Palazzo Pacanowsky is about 10 minutes walking from Piazza Municipio.  

Connections from the Airport to Piazza Municipio: Public bus “Alibus” to Piazza Municipio (Port stop) or taxi for a fixed tariff. 

Tariffs are at this link (PDF) on the official website of the municipality at this link.

For details, you may look at the “Practical information pack” file.

Social events

Welcome cocktail – Thursday 14, h. 7:00 pm – Villa Doria d’Angri

On the first day of the conference, Thursday the 14th, the organizers invite all the participants to a welcome cocktail at Villa Doria d’Angri at 7:00 p.m. Private bus connection is provided by the organization with buses departing from Piazza Vittoria at 6:30 p.m. Piazza Vittoria is very close to the venue of the conference, and can easily be reached in a few minutes through a dedicated elevator internal to University.

Piazza Vittoria – bus location

Villa Doria d’Angri – Welcome location

Social dinner – Friday 15, 8:30 pm – Hotel Mediterraneo Terrace

The social dinner will take place on Friday the 15th on the terrace of the Hotel Mediterraneo starting at 8:30 p.m. The Hotel Mediterraneo is close to the conference venue, near Piazza Municipio (see map).


Manuale di Conftool