Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Scandizzo Pasquale Lucio Author-Name-First: Scandizzo Author-Name-Last: Pasquale Lucio Author-Email: Lucio.scandizzo@openeconomics.eu Author-Workplace-Name: University of Rome “Tor Vergata” and OpenEconomics Author-Name: Cufari Daniele Author-Name-First: Cufari Author-Name-Last: Daniele Author-Workplace-Name: Independent Researcher Title: Beyond Cost Benefit Analysis: A SAM Model for Project-Program Evaluation Abstract:

This paper presents a new methodology of project evaluation based on the use of a social accounting matrix (SAM). The method proposed considers both the project as an autonomous shock and as an endogenous activity, thus capturing both the demand and the supply side effects, that can be associated to investment. In assessing project impact, these two effects have to be considered complementary, even though they may be combined in different proportions and with different strength in different practical cases. The autonomous dimension is however a distinctive feature of a project as an economic concept. Its consideration has important implications to assess the structural impact of a project as an activity ranging complete isolation to total embeddedness in the economic system. The paper also shows that both in its construction and operational phases the project displays structural effects on the economic system and that these effects may be sizable and may be partly offsetting the direct impact of the project on demand and supply variables.

Creation-Date: 2023-10 File-URL: https://www.sitesideas.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Sites_wp18.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Note: SITES Working Papers 18 Number: 18 Classification-JEL: C67; C68; H43 Keywords: Project, autonomy, embeddedness, structure, social accounting matrix, social rate of return Handle: RePEc:awm:wpaper:18