Here attached the call for applications, including the Agenda, for the 7th Edition of the International School for Advanced Training “Impact Evaluation of Development Policies: Concepts, Methods, Applications” 23rd June […]
SITES X Annual Conference 2025
15/09 => 17/09
University of Rome
The aim of the conference is to be a forum for discussion, possibly in person, on innovative research in development economics that can be useful for conceiving a new model of sustainable development.
Mezzogiorno e Mediterraneo: Crocevia di Economie e Futuri Sostenibili
Università di Napoli - Parthenope
Location: Università di Napoli – ParthenopeDate: Venerdì 9 Maggio, 2025 Description Mezzogiorno e Mediterraneo possono generare un grande potenziale di sviluppo economico e umano che le due parti da sole […]
Summer School 2025
22/06 => 24/06
14th Edition of the Summer School in Development Economics June 22, 23 and 24, 2025 | Prato (Italy) The Italian Association of Development Economists (SITES), the Department of Economics of the University of […]
Summer School 2024
10/06 => 11/06
13th Edition of the Summer School in Development Economics June 10 and 11, 2024 | Prato (Italy) The Italian Association of Development Economists (SITES), the Department of Economics of the University of Bologna, […]
Description Working Group 1 2 3 4 5 Activity Partners
Award Sponsor Medal Prize Description FITOUSSI MedalProminent Development Economist Award (Click on the logo to see the prize) Prominent development economists that have contributed to outstanding research and fostered sustainable […]
Cornia Student Award
Award Sponsor Medal Prize Description Cornia Student Awards (Click on the logo to see the prize) For the best paper to young economist (below the age of 35) presented at […]
In Memory of Prof. Giovanni Andrea Cornia
Dear Colleagues, it is with deep sadness that I inform you of the departure of our beloved and valued “Grande Vecio”. Andrea Cornia was a bosom friend to us all, a mentor and a […]
SITES International working group on Conflicts Description Conflicts are on the rise worldwide, along with multiple natural and man-made shocks. This working group delves into the complex dynamics between natural and man-made shocks and conflicts […]
One Health/ICABR
The One Health Approach: The exposome and its implications for research and policy actions The exposome In 2005 Christopher Wild coined the term “exposome” defining its as the result of […]
Mediterranean and mena region
Description Working Group 1 2 3 4 5 Activity Partners
Migration & Labor
Description Working Group 1 2 3 4 5 Activity Partners
Investimenti e finanza sostenibile in Africa. Perché il Piano Mattei è un’opportunità
Di Pasquale Lucio Scandizzo | 04/02/2024 – Economia L’assistenza allo sviluppo dovrebbe puntare sempre di più a mobilitare risorse pubbliche e private, svolgendo anche una funzione di catalizzatore di progetti di qualità. Nonostante […]
Thank you for your presubscription! It is important for us to know your preferences in order to tailor the class on the group needs.
Please, keep in mind that the course will start if there are at least 10 students.
Annual Conference 2024
11/09 => 13/09
The aim of the conference is to be a forum for discussion, possibly in person, on innovative research in development economics that can be useful for conceiving a new model of sustainable development.
ICDE – International Conference on Development Economics
July 2-3, 2024 I Aix-en-Provence (France) The objective of the conference is to be a forum to discuss innovative research in development economics. Empirical and theoretical contributions are welcome. Topics […]
Guida dell’iscrizione al corso
1) Effettua il pagamento 2) Iscriviti ad Sites e al corso (il costo è comprensivo di entrambe le quote). 3) Attendi la nostra conferma.
The conference on the press
Sviluppo economico e digitalizzazione: meeting all’Università Parthenope di Napoli
Dal 14 al 16 settembre dalle 9:30 presso Palazzo Pacanowski – via Generale Parisi 13
IFAD is seeking a Senior Economist
IFAD is seeking a Senior Economist – VA15017 – to work in the Research and Impact Assessment Division.
Il debito pubblico e il debito climatico. L’analisi di Scandizzo
Che cosa è il debito climatico e perché una sua gestione attenta appare essenziale per una programmazione prudente delle finanze pubbliche, attraverso politiche di mitigazione e adattamento al cambiamento e […]
Qual è la posta in gioco della riforma del Patto di stabilità. Scrive Scandizzo
La proposta di revisione del Patto di stabilità da parte della Commissione europea va vista in un quadro di contraddizioni e di tendenze contrapposte nel faticoso, ma pur progressivo, cammino […]
Master in Cooperation and Development (Pavia)
The new call for applications for the Master in Cooperation and Development is now open. The program is organized by the University of Pavia (Italy). The Master trains young professionals in a 15-month-long course that includes more than 500 hours of classes and seminars. After the teaching part, all the students are offered an internship from 3 to 6 months at NGOs and international organizations, working in the field of development cooperation and humanitarian aid.
The deadline to apply is 30 June 2023.
Summer School 2023
26/06 => 28/06
Prato (Organising Committee: President Martina Menon)
Annual Conference SITES 2023 (Naples September 14-15-16 2023)
14/09 => 17/09
Napoli (Organising Committee: President Maria Rosaria Carrillo)
The aim of the conference is to be a forum for discussion, possibly in person, on innovative research in development economics that can be useful for conceiving a new model of sustainable development.
Other activities in collaboration with the Doctorate of Development Economics – University of Florence
(Organizers: D. Romano and F. Perali)
One day workshops in collaboration with ICID
(Organizeers: F. Perali and Furio Rosati)
Teaching Courses
(Organisers F. Perali and L. Scandizzo)
Serie di seminari: Spring Seminars Series. Analisi costi e benefici e valutazione economica, sociale e ambientale di grandi progetti Data e ora Speaker Titolo paper Modalità TBD Pasquale Lucio Scandizzo […]